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Weihrauch HW97K Underlever Air Rifle 125th Jubilee Edition Laminate .22

SKU 93895
Price incl. VAT (20%) £141.67
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Weihrauch HW97K Underlever Air Rifle 125th Jubilee Edition Laminate .22
Product Details
Brand: Weihrauch
Stock levels of products may vary at time of ordering but back orders are aimed to be fullfilled within 2 days from date of order, if otherwise we will contact you: Available to order

125th Jubilee Anniversary Edition Laminate variant.

An example of 1 of 600 made worldwide, This special edition model features a beautiful red laminate thumbhole stock with engraving.

HW97K OVERVIEW: This legendary spring powered under-lever air rifle was especially developed for field target shooting but makes a superb hunting gun too. The fixed barrel action is equipped with the Weihrauch muzzle weight, reducing muzzle flip and increasing accuracy. The specially crafted high comb stock is designed for scope use.

The fixed barrel under-lever action of the HW97 ensures that there's no movement in the barrel whatsoever, meaning that accuracy is never compromised - essential when each shot counts. The cocking motion is smooth and precise; each pellet is loaded directly into the barrel; and the Rekord trigger unit can be finely tuned. The stock features a raised cheek-piece to the right-hand side, with a rubber butt-pad to the rear. The end of the rifled barrel has a fixed muzzle brake, which is threaded for the acceptance of a silencer, which is sold separately.

Fitted and finished in the beautiful Red 125th Jubilee laminate stock.

Make Sure It's Hull Cartridge

NOTE: Hull Cartridge are the official UK distributor for Weihrauch. All our Weihrauch guns are supplied and stamped by Hull Cartridge.
WARNING: Any grey imports will have no official UK Warranty.