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FX Impact M4 Standard Black

SKU 93760
Price incl. VAT (20%) £291.67
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FX Impact M4 Standard Black
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The FX Impact is undeniably one of the most iconic airguns on the market, having changed the airgun industry forever and truly making an impact when it was released back in 2015. With every new release of the FX Impact, we’ve made it better, more reliable, and accurate, reinforcing its presence in the industry. The FX Impact is an airgun that over time has proven itself to be suited for just about any discipline, whether you’re a professional benchrest shooter, hunter, or a regular all-around shooter. The platform offers the perfect setup for every occasion. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the release of the FX Impact M4, improving the platform in different areas while ensuring to keep the iconic looks that make the Impact so recognizable out in the field and in competitions.

The FX Impact has been taken first places and countless podium spots at all the major competitions around the world since its release. So, we at FX Airguns made it our mission to make the FX Impact M4 not only better in many different ways but also stronger and more ridged so you as a shooter can keep competing at the top and fighting for those wins!

Comes delivered in a tailored cut-out hard-case

The first major upgrade we brought to the FX Impact M4 is a complete new trigger system!

Introducing the FX QUICK SET TRIGGER! We all know that the trigger lays at the core and foundation of any great shot taken. Due to the multipurpose function of the Impact Platform FX/Fredrick wanted One trigger to suit every style and that can easily and quickly be changed from a Hunter style with just the right amount of pull needed to a standard FX trigger, or pure match grade trigger that is light, clean and super crisp! All this with just a simple adjustment of one screw. The Quick Set Trigger unit! No need to upgrade to a different trigger system if you want to go from a hunter one day to match grade the next!

To further enhance the performance and shooting experience we improved the overall rigidity of the FX Impact M4 by designing a new top plate that is much thicker and stronger bringing more rigidity throughout the entire platform.

With the new QS Trigger unit and top rail introduced we also improved the overall feel and comfort of shooting the Impact. The new FX Grip is one of those improvements that brings that feel altogether. We designed a new style grip that is more defined, comfortable to grip onto, with just the right amount of palm swell and a beaver tail to enhance the shooting comfort, giving you a firm grip on your Impact M4. Ensuring you hit your mark with more confidence!

AMP regulator
The FX Impact M4 now comes standard with our new brass piston regulator that is stronger, has faster refresh rates, more consistent and can easily handle the higher bottle pressures with a max working pressure of 170bar.

For the FX Impact M4 we have redesigned the high-capacity magazines . The New magazines are made from a stronger material and have a new internal mechanism to ensure the inner drum will rotate smoothly even when fully loaded with some of the heaviest slugs on the market.

Scope rail
The new top plate also features a dovetail rail machined on to it enhancing the strength but at the same time bringing more flexibility when it comes to mounting your optics. The new scope rail that is longer than before can slide along that rail to get you that perfect mounting position and can be tightly secured in place with perfect alignment to the overall system!

We gave the FX Impact M4 a slightly new design without going too far from its iconic look. We have done this true a decent amount of tiny important improvements true out the whole platform, like some subtle new lines, cutouts for easy access to some part and angles to tie it all together. Making the FX Impact M4 even more practical and pleasing to the eye.

Note: Muzzle energy listed in the specifications of each rifle is for maximum setting. Due to differences in regulations the rifle is often produced with a lower muzzle energy from the factory. Contact your dealer for more info about muzzle energy in your region.